It has all the built-in features of an efficient open-source PDF editor. It's a good option for people who can't use proprietary software. The easiest way to edit PDF files Instead of paying for Acrobat or messing with printers and scanners, you can do it all online with PDF Buddy.

It is free and open-source software, much like MS Office. More functions to create new blank page, optimize PDF document, extract text and image to files, and OCR to convert image into searchable PDF. LibreOffice is a strong competitor in the world of PDF editing. Export PDF as Text, PNG, GIF, BMP, EPS, WMF, EMF, JPG and TIF.
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Insert text, check, image, barcode, comment, stamp and drawing. You can easily edit PDFs with our free PDF editor online, or download PDF editor for windows, mac, iOS, and android.