This setting controls the shifting of Pokémon in-between one Trainer's Pokémon fainting, and should be set to Set if you're using Squirtle, or Shift if you're using Nidoran (then later changed to Set). This setting controls the appearance of battle animations, and should be set to Off. This setting affects the speed in which the text of the game appears,and should be set to Fast.

Critical Hits are based on base Speed in Gen 1, thus things like Starmie and Alakazam will be critting your hapless ass up and down the street.

When an X Accuracy is used, a flag is set that bypasses the accuracy check. Every move in Gen 1, even with 100% accuracy, has a 1/256 (0.4%) chance to miss.Also, approaching events from the front is faster (including entering/exiting buildings). Talking to a trainer you're about to battle is faster if they're two or less tiles away from your route four or less on the bike.Don't accidentally delete the wrong move. When learning a new move you cannot hit up to make the cursor go to the bottom slot, you must press down three times.When using an attack, a screen shake is faster than a flash, so things like Ice Beam are faster than Earthquake.When shopping, if you were to buy the third item, the cursor will set to the highest item on the list. Also, if you use the last of an item the cursor will automatically set itself to the top of the list. Bundling your item usage together is faster than spacing it out.For every Yes/No box that you select No, push the B button instead of manually selecting No.Set Text Speed to Fast, Battle Animation to Off, and (if you're not using Nidoran) Battle Style to Set.